Remove rust

Deter ants: Sprinkle salt at windowsills, doorways and anywhere else you think ants might sneak in.

Polish copper or brass: Blend equal parts flour, vinegar and salt into a paste. Rub the paste on the metal and let sit for an hour; then clean with a soft cloth for a new shine. (Test on a hidden area of the item before polishing its more visible parts!)

Remove water rings: Make a thin paste of salt and vegetable oil and use it to gently buff out any glass rings on wooden tables. (Again, it’s a good idea to test this solution on a hidden part of the table before taking it to the tabletop.)

Keep flowers fresh longer: Add just a pinch of salt to the water in your vase to keep cut flowers fresh longer.

Kill poison ivy: Mix one gallon of soapy water with three pounds of salt. Apply mixture to the leaves and stems with a sprayer.