Spiritual Protection
Salt is said to have protective powers, for example, people put a small bag of salt on the go, either in their purse or bag. This goes for keeping a bowl of salt in your room also. Before using the salt this way, you are meant to invite 'the spirit of the salt' to protect your home. It is said its energy is ready to use the next day.

"Salt’s association with cleanliness, protection, and purity probably comes from the fact that its mundane uses include purifying and preserving food," says Barbara Moore, author of Modern Guide to Energy Clearing. She explains that salt's color (white) connects it to purity, and its ability to maintain food's freshness gives it protective properties. "Magical or symbolic uses of an item often reflect the characteristics of that item’s everyday uses," Moore adds.

Salt Folklore & Magic

Folklorist Robert Means Lawrence, in his 1898 book​ "The Magic of the Horseshoe," looks at some of the ways salt is used in folk magic around the globe.

In parts of Germany, Normandy, and Scotland, salt is used in or around a butter churn to keep witches from souring the butter or harming the cow from which the cream was obtained.

Irish folk remedies include the use of salt, combined with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, to cure those who might have been “fairy-struck.” A similar story comes from Bavaria and Ukraine, in which salt is used to determine if a child is bewitched.
Egyptian caravans setting out on a journey across the desert used to perform a ritual that involved burning salt on hot coals. This was done to ensure that evil spirits wouldn’t get in the way of the travelers.

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