Minerals that are in gems

Most minerals on Earth are formed when magma rises from the depths of the planet to the surface and then cools. Crystals form from chemical elements present in the liquid rock, somewhat like the way rain turns into snow crystals in the cold. Over time, the structure of some minerals changes under high pressure or high temperatures, producing new kinds of minerals in the process. More than 3,500 different minerals have been discovered so far. Most of them combine to form rocks, like the quartz, feldspar, and mica found in granite. The rarest and most beautiful may be turned into jewelry. This family of minerals, called gems, groups together some 50 different semiprecious stones, including agate, opal, and jade, and four precious stones. These most highly prized gems are diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald.

The worldwide demand for industrial diamonds greatly exceeds the supply obtained through mining. Synthetic diamonds (diamonds made by people) are now being produced to meet this industrial demand. They can be produced at a lower cost per carat than mined diamonds and they perform just as well in industrial use.

Synthetic diamonds are made of the same material as natural diamonds—pure carbon, crystallized in an isotropic 3D form